Cool Things

Art Post!

Cool Things

Hello everyone. Thanks for sticking around while I took time off due the sudden passing of my dog. I’ve starting writing stuff again, but the piece I was going to post here tonight kind of took a turn, and I feel like I need to restructure or even rewrite it. So instead of posting something half-assed, or postponing things for another week, I thought I would post a bunch of art I’ve been making lately.

So to start, here is Karnov! It is Karnovember, after all.

This next one is a little guy I whipped up. I’ve been wanting to try a “realistic” style of sprite work, and I’d like to think I nailed it. If I ever end up making some sort of RPG or game with a top-down perspective, he can fit into it really well.

In the event that I do end up making an RPG, I do have battle sprites ready to go for him as well:

Some of you are probably punching your monitors, yelling out, “you dumb motherfucker! Why are you working on graphics for a new game when the one you’re currently working on isn’t done?” Well, good news! I’ve actually made a ton of progress in it! I have finished 12 out of a planned 20 levels, with a nice variety of enemies to overcome. I’ll go ahead and post them all here:

This is the Sad Mutant Boy. He’s sad because anytime he touches somebody, they violently explode and die. He is so despondent over this that he’s not paying attention to where he’s going, so make sure he doesn’t walk into you.

Here we have the Specter. They aimlessly fly around, usually in your vicinity.

It’s a Moai Head. They are mysterious. Also invincible, so you should avoid them.

This very original diamond creature is unfazed by your attacks, so you’ll have to dodge them instead. Maybe if you had an entire city’s power supply directed into a single shot, you may have a chance to take this thing down…

This mysterious little fucker is incredibly fast. Shoot him before it can get you.

This flame is a stage hazard. It bounces around the stage, so don’t get burned!

I’m having a much easier time making a game for the ZX Spectrum than I am anything else I have used up to this point, and boy I sure would like to be able to release a game sometime soon. Look forward to it!

That’s it for now. Thanks everyone for sticking with me!


  1. Sad Mutant Boy fan says:

    I love Sad Mutant Boy