TV Game

retail memorabilia #3: littlebigplanet

It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these, but I found this while digging through my closet today, so it’s time for a new post!

This is small booklet, for lack of a better term, to promote the at the time upcoming LittleBigPlanet.


You open it up, and you get this sort of box/card holder type thing. It doesn’t open or anything.

But it does hold a number of postcard sized slips that list out all of the games’ features.

and here’s the back of the holder

Now unfortunately, I no longer have a working scanner (those Resistance 2 scans I have were done years ago), so iPhone will have to suffice for all of these cards. There are twelve all together.

Now, all of these have a design on the back. You put all twelve cards together, and it turns into this:

Now, I remember looking forward to the game really bad. I ended up buying it at launch. I have a thing for games that include a robust level creator. Games like Megaman Powered Up and Mario Maker are a permanent part of my collection, and LBP has hung around on my shelf for the same reason.

It’s just a shame that the games themselves are not especially good. At least aesthetically, the series is great. Amazing soundtracks and, if you know what you’re doing, it’s capable of some fantastic visuals, too. But the controls are really floating and hard to deal with, and the physics engine only adds to lack of handling you have. And on top of that, the actual level editor is really fucking complicated. I played this game in my 20s, and was having a hard time figuring out really basic things like putting platforms in the right place. LittleBigPlanet is a game aimed at like, eight year olds. If I, at around 22 (TWENTY-TWO!?) years old was struggling to make something, what chance do literal children have, you know? That being said, I still own all three of them, and load them up from time to time. Even if I can’t make shit in it, I can still sometimes find some good stuff other people have put together.

So that’s it for this post. I’m still digging around, looking for some bits of old promo materials I still have. Right now, I’m trying to find a collection of lanyards and pens, miscellaneous stuff.

And because this is a LittleBigPlanet post, figured I’d post one of the songs from its awesome soundtrack.

The Go! Team- Get It Together
